Friday, September 23, 2011

Test blog


So this is in dashboard+, $2.99 app
It will let you load pics from the iPad photo album, and even gives an option to load and edit, which is good if they are taking screenshots to get the pic, they might have to resize or rotate

Beautiful shot. I grabbed this from google images as a screenshot, Which put it into the photo album, and then resized in the app. You can resize first, then upload and once it is inserted, click on it and it will bring it up in another window with the option to rotate

You can tap the two line arrow button below, which will allow you to delete pics or text, or by holding down on the section, it let's you re arrange

You can add google maps, and even YouTube videos.
All in all, it's pretty simple, hopefully!!

Here is the rotate screen for the pics

This is the plus feature, click it and it gives all your options

I think this might be the way to go. I don't know about the app cost, though, will the school pay????

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